
October 5-6, 2018


918 Bathurst St, Toronto


79 Tickets


52 Writers, Artists & Musicians


The second edition of the Romanian Book and Arts Festival is the perfect place to meet writers, editors, translators, journalists, illustrators, artists, researchers, and students, who are interested in the richness of Romanian culture as well as in exchanges with other diverse cultures in Toronto and North America.

ToRoFest offers a welcoming exhibition space, where intercultural dialogue is encouraged and everyone can explore, delight, and participate in book launches, panels, workshops, round tables, creative writing, public reading, and games, alongside guests from Romania, Canada, and the United States.

Come join us for some great presentations on fiction, poetry, theatre, world literature, Romanian studies, linguistics, copyright, ethnography, the environment, politics, society, and so much more!


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Festival Schedule / don't forget to reserve your seat

Opening Night Gala

Opening ceremony. Meet & greet the Authors and Artists. Book signings. Live Music: piano recital, classical guitar. Opening Exhibitions. Refreshments. Silent auction.  
Librăria ”Pagini Românești”

Librăria ”Pagini Româneşti” – Cărţi, muzică și film

Librăria "Pagini Româneşti" din Montreal vă așteaptă la standul său cu o ofertă bogată de publicații în limba română: literatură, film, albume de artă sau de muzică. Literatura română e prezentă
Doru Cioată

Art Display by Doru Cioată

Art Display by DORU CIOATĂ - fine art painter, restoration expert.
Claudiu Murgan

Silent Auction – paintings by Aurel Manole

Aurel Manoie was an artist of exceptional value, who has linked his destiny of brush and easel since the age of four. Aurel Manole is considered by specialists to
Maureen Korp, Ph.D.

Sophia Leopold Mureșan – Open Exhibition

Playing, Art-Making...the Dedicated Life and Loves of an Exceptional Child Artist Sophia Leopold-Muresan was born on a wintry morning in 2008, just before Christmas, at Saint Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. She
Otilia Gruneanțu Scriuba

Blue – Art Show by Otilia Gruneanțu Scriuba

In 2017, Otilia Gruneantu Scriuba obtained the 3rd prize for Graphics at the 6th International Biennial Art Show “Meeting Point” from Arad, Romania and in 2012 “The Most favoured
Librăria ”Pagini Românești”

Librăria ”Pagini Româneşti” – Cărţi, muzică și film

Librăria "Pagini Româneşti" din Montreal vă așteaptă la standul său cu o ofertă bogată de publicații în limba română: literatură, film, albume de artă sau de muzică. Literatura română e prezentă
Irina Boca

Meet the Author: Irina Boca

Irina Valentina Boca is a Romanian-Canadian author of philosophical and literary works. She was born in Romania (1967), graduated from Building Engineering (Installations, 1993) and worked as a journalist
Diana Manole

Found in Translation: Romanian/Canadian Writers across Borders

This panel will discuss the translator’s role as cultural mediator nationally and internationally. We will reflect on making Romanian and Canadian authors available across borders, as well as on
Dorin Uritescu, Ph.D

Lansare de carte: Noul Atlas lingvistic român – Crișana Vol.IV de Dorin Uritescu

Acest al patrulea volum continuă publicarea și analiza geolingvistică a materialului imens al Noului Atlas lingvistic român – Crișana (NALR-Crişana), care se înscrie în seria atlaselor lingvistice româneşti regionale
Călin Andrei Mihăilescu

Lansare de carte: AFKA de Călin Andrei Mihăilescu

Într-o scrisoare din aprilie 1991, Daniel Barenboim sublinia: „Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu este o adevărată revelație. Sunetul bogat, rafinat și plin de culoare umple sala. Imaginea stereofonică a frazării oferă
Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu

Lansare de carte: Criminalii și crinii de Ion Stratan

Din adâncimea lor, versurile lui Stratan salvează aparițiile și aparențele pe când el, ca esențele, poate să fi trecut neobservat. Iubea ironia cu forța
David Demchuk

Book Launch: The Bone Mother by David Demchuk

Three neighbouring villages on the Ukrainian/Romanian border are the final refuge for the last of the mythical creatures of Eastern Europe--the Rusalka, the Strigoi, the Vedma, and more. Now,
Magdalena Manea

Lansare de carte: Roată, America Toată! de Magdalena Manea

Solicitați la maximum, reanimați perpetuu de peisaje fabuloase, din punct de vedere emoțional, șoferii de cursă lungă se identifică cu corăbierii anilor de expansiune colonială. Fiecare dintre ei crește,
Diana Manole

Poetry reading

A Pushcart prize nominee, Diana's poems have been published in the UK, the US, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Albania, Belarus, Canada, and Romania. Passionate also about
Cristian Giorgievici & Raul Dudnic

LIVE Music: Le Tour du Monde

A live ambient lounge musical based on a fictional traveler as he journeys across the world encountering lifețs revelations. The background music arranged and played by Cristian Giorgievici. A film edited
Doru Cioată

Art Display by Doru Cioată

Art Display by DORU CIOATĂ - fine art painter, restoration expert.
Claudiu Murgan

Silent Auction – paintings by Aurel Manole

Aurel Manoie was an artist of exceptional value, who has linked his destiny of brush and easel since the age of four. Aurel Manole is considered by specialists to
Nedi / Nicolae Gavriliu, MFA, MTh

THE ICON Beyond the first glance

THE ICON Beyond the first glance: an ever-contemporary view of human condition - the divine within man and the relationship with the beyond - offered by the Icon. The
Daniela Moisa

Patrimoine et diversité: discours, pratiques et action culturelle

Patrimoine et diversité: discours, pratiques et action culturelle | Patrimoniu și diversitate: discursuri, practici și acțiuni culturale | Heritage and diversity: discourses, practices and cultural agency Anthropologue passionnée, Daniela Moisa
Iulian Toma

Gherasim Luca, écrire pour revivifier la vie

Poète à la parole « bègue », artiste « cubomaniaque », prospecteur d’une vie « non-œdipienne », surréaliste, puis oublié du surréalisme, Gherasim Luca est l’apatride par excellence, devenu Français « par défaut » et

Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu and Sean Braune

the fuzz, the spy, and the thinker

A dialogue on Romanian and North American policing & spying between Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu and Sean Braune.
This chatty jam session will
Cosmina-Silvia Nistor

Graduate perspectives on global issues

Graduate perspectives on global issues Participants: NEGIN NAJJARNEJAD, NICOLE VASSILIOU, TARA SABERPOUR. Moderator: COSMINA-SILVIA NISTOR. Cosmina-Silvia Nistor (Romania) Edication & Integration Negin Najjarnejad (Lebanon) Child Marriage Nicole Vassiliou (Greece) Civil Society Organizations Tara SaberPour (Turkey) Refugee Accessability [caption id="attachment_1922" align="alignleft" width="508"]
Nina Munteanu

Talk: Water is by Nina Munteanu

Water is emerging as one of the single most important resources of planet Earth. Already scarce in some areas, it has become the new "gold," coveted, bought,
Susan Ksiezopolski

Writers Workshop with Susan Ksiezopolski

Susan Ksiezopolski, an award-winning writer, has published two poetry anthologies and a creative writing workbook. She was featured in Canadian Immigrant magazine The Ontario Poetry Society’s Aborealis Anthology, FreeLit Magazine
Otilia Gruneanțu Scriuba

Blue – Art Show by Otilia Gruneanțu Scriuba

In 2017, Otilia Gruneantu Scriuba obtained the 3rd prize for Graphics at the 6th International Biennial Art Show “Meeting Point” from Arad, Romania and in 2012 “The Most favoured

ToRo Fest / 2018 Participants

Crina Maria Bud, BSc, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, York University

Crina Bud, BSc (North University, Baia Mare), PhD (Babes Bolyai University,

Max Fraser

Independent Yukon filmmaker

Max Fraser is an independent Yukon filmmaker who is developing a

Born in Romania, Felicia Mihali has lived in Montreal since 2000.

Andreea Demirgian

Radio journalist. Writer. Author. Storyteller. Traveler.

“I am a dreamer. I think the world we live in

Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu, Ph.D.

Writer, Professor of literature and philosophy

Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu (b. Bucharest, 1956; Ph.D. Toronto, 1992) is a Romanian-Canadian

Nina Munteanu

Lecturer, George Brown College & the University of Toronto

Nina Munteanu is a Canadian ecologist / limnologist and internationally published

Costi Gurgu


Costi’s fiction has appeared in Canada, the United States, and Europe.

Claudiu Murgan was born in Romania and has called Canada his

David Demchuk has been writing for print, stage, digital and other

Diana Manole, Ph.D.

Lecturer at Trent University, Translator, Scholar, Writer, and Dramaturg

Diana Manole (PhD) is a Romanian-Canadian scholar, writer, translator, and dramaturg.

Magdalena Manea

Writer, Journalist

Determined to help and make a difference, Magdalena Manea leads the

Raul Dudnic

Television producer, journalist, musician, traveler

Raul recently produced and directed his third documentary film “The Village

Vianu Mureșan Ph.D.

Writer, journalist, Ph.D. in Philosophy

Writer, journalist, Ph.D. in Philosophy at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (2003),

Sophia Leopold-Muresan Playing, Art-Making...the Dedicated Life and Loves of an Exceptional Child

Michael Husu


It is an honor for me to participate at this event

Daniela Moisa, Ph.D.

Writer, Assistant Professor in Folklore and Ethnology, University of Sudbury

Daniela Moisa is an Assistant Professor in Folklore and Ethnology, and

Miruna Tarcău

Writer, journalist and literary critic

Romanian-born writer, journalist and literary critic Miruna Tarcau published her first

Milena Munteanu

Writer, Journalist

Milena Munteanu is a Romanian writer who lives in Canada. She

Stephen Henighan

Canadian novelist, short story writer, journalist and academic

Stephen Henighan is the author of fifteen books, most recently the

Maureen Korp, Ph.D.

Lecturer, writer, independent critic, and curator of contemporary art

Maureen Korp (Ph.D., University of Ottawa) is a lecturer, writer, independent

View all current participants

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Our events relies on our friends near and far! Please consider still making a donation if you cannot attend!

Event FAQS / find your answers

At-the-door tickets will be sold at the show’s venue starting 30 minutes prior to show time subject to availability.

Yes. There are discounts for groups of 10 people or more. Please call 416-606-9402 or e-mail us at to purchase tickets for groups.

918 Bathurst is an older building, and is therefore not wheelchair accessible. There are no wheelchair accessible restrooms.

We ask that all attendees be at least 10 years of age or older.

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Event Location

918 Bathurst Centre for Culture, Arts, Media and Education
918 Bathurst St. Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 416 606-9402

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