Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu (b. Bucharest, 1956; Ph.D. Toronto, 1992) is a Romanian-Canadian Professor of literature and philosophy, and a writer (of academic writings spanning a number of disciplines, of prose, poetry, essay, children stories, etc). His recent volumes include Happy New Fear! (in Romanian; Bucharest, 2011), “Literary Theory and the Sciences” (in English; ed.; Neohelicon 41.2, 2014), Matei Călinescu Festschrift (in English; ed., Yearbook of Comparative Literature 59, 2016), Policing Literary Theory (in English; ed., Leiden, 2018), and two volumes in Romanian which came out this summer in Bucharest: AFKA (short prose), and Ion Stratan’s anthology Criminalii şi crinii (The murderers and the lilies, ed.). He is currently working on a few book projects, among which Deunamor (in Romanian), Un mundo astrocéntrico (in Spanish), a few volumes of poetry in English, French, and Romanian, as well as the ongoing online Romanian Literature and CultureEncyclopedia (senior ed., London), Bephoria (short prose pieces), and the multi-volume Erosophy (the last three titles in English).
His fields of expertise, in which he taught, lectured, and published widely, include Comparative Literature, Literary Theory, History of Romance, English, German, Romanian, Central-East European and Classical Literatures, Philosophy (history of ~, ontology, aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, political ~), Film Studies, History of Religions, Mysticism, Magic, Semiotics, General Linguistics, Translation Theory, and Creative Writing.
Călin-Andrei Mihăilescueste scriitor şi profesor de literatură comparată şi filosofie. Cele mai recente cărţi: Happy New Fear!(Bucureşti, 2011), Poezoo (Bucureşti, 2011), Foarţă-n faţă (coord., Timişoara, 2012), Literary Theory and the Sciences (coord., Budapesta, 2014), Rereading Faces. Festschrift Matei Călinescu (coord., Bloomington, 2016), Ion Stratan, La umbra Greciei în floare (coord., Bucureşti, 2017), Policing Literary Theory (coord., Leiden, 2018), precum şi două volume care au apărut în vara aceasta: AFKA şi antologia lui Ion Stratan Criminalii şi crinii (coord.). Coordonează The Romanian Literature and CultureEncyclopedia (Londra). Volume în lucru: Deunamor (în română), Un mundo astrocéntrico (în spaniolă), Beforia şi tetralogia Erosophy (ultimele două în engleză). A publicat, în engleză, franceză, română şi spaniolă proză, poezie, eseu şi articole pe diverse teme de literatură comparată, filosofie, teorie critică şi literară, estetică, hispanistică, literaturi naţionale (engleză, americană, franceză, română…), semiotică, istoria artei, istoria religiilor, mistică, magie, film, teorie lingvistică şi gîndire socio-politică.