Lecturer at Trent University, Translator, Scholar, Writer, and Dramaturg
Diana Manole (PhD) is a Romanian-Canadian scholar, writer, translator, and dramaturg. She has published extensively in in Canada, the US, and the UK, on Canadian and Romanian theatre, exilic theatre, and intercultural performance, as well as co-edited a collection of essays about post-communist theatre (forthcoming from University of Iowa Press).
As a native Romanian writer, she has published six collections of poems and four plays, won 14 literary awards, including two prizes from the Romanian Writers’ Union, and contributed to numerous national and international anthologies and magazines. Her sixth collection of poems, B&W, came out in a Romanian-English bilingual edition (Tracus Arte, 2015). Now a Toronto-based Pushcart prize-nominated English-language poet, her poems have been published in the UK, the US, South Africa, and Canada, as well as translated and published in Albania, Belarus, Brazil, Mexico, and Romania.
Manole’s translations of Canadian poetry have been featured in major Romanian magazines, while her co-translations of Romanian poetry were awarded 2nd prize in the 2017-18 John Dryden Translation Competition by the British Comparative Literature Association and the British Centre for Literary Translation.
Affiliations : The League of Canadian Poets, Literary Managers & Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA), Romanian Writers Association, Literary Translators’ Association of Canada/Association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada.