Short stories writer, and journalist, member of the Romanian Writers’ Union
Florin Oncescu (b. 1960, in Constanta, Romania) is a short stories writer and journalist, member of the Romanian Writers’ Union, and also an engineer in the aviation industry.
In 1995, he left Romania to settle in Montreal, Canada, and currently lives in the United States. He has published five short stories books, all in Romanian: „Dispoziție depresivă / Depressive Mood” (Ramuri, 1994), „La umbra unui enciclopedist / In the shadow of a Encyclopedist” (Omniscop, Craiova, 1999), „Întoarcerea / The Return” (Ramuri, 2003), „Ilustrate din America / Postcards from America” (Limes, 2007), ”Jurnalul lui Sake / The Diary of Sake” (Limes, 2017). He has also contributed short stories in several collective anthologies: „Chef cu femei urâte / Party with ugly women” (Allfa, 1997), „Repetiţie fără orchestră / Repetition without orchestra” (Limes, 2004), „Farse, lacrimi şi o găleată de sânge / Pranks, tears and a bucket of blood” (Limes, 2008), „Migrating Memories: Central Europe in Canada”, Vol. 1, CEACS/AECEC, Brno, 2010.
He is a regular contributor to the magazine „Pagini româneşti / Romanian pages”, from Montréal.