I was born in the middle of the last century, in Bucharest. Shortly after that, we moved to Prague, today’s the Czech Republic where my father was appointed as a high-ranking diplomat and we lived there for almost 10 years. I went to the Russian school for children of foreign diplomats, and by the time we return we returned home to Romania, I spoke excellent Czech, Russian, Hungarian and some Romanian. I continued my elementary education in Timisoara, then high school, then the Technical University called Politehnica, and became an electro-mechanical engineer. After that I paid my dues to the country and finished my military service as an officer.
I held a few jobs as a trainee engineer and finished my professional life in Romania, working in research at the Welding Research Institute in Timisoara.
Then I left to western Europe, lived in Holland, France for a long while, then came to Canada over three and a half decades ago.) working mostly as an Engineering Manager and Senior Project Manager for International Corporations in the chocolates and food industry. When I had enough, I semi-retired and doing part time consulting and my hobbies, mostly writing.
My wife is a university professor (Roman and Greek mythology, Bible, Slavic Languages) and an alternative health care practitioner and writer, and our daughter is a family and criminal lawyer, currently on maternity leave with her amazing three months old daughter.
Since my very early childhood I liked to observe people and the world and loved to tell stories to an ever-increasing audience. On my 15th birthday, my mother told me very seriously that she thinks by now I really know how to tell very good stories, and that everything worth telling is also worth writing about. I followed her life-changing advice and started writing a lot.
I ended up publishing too, by now I have over 300 stories, out of which about 50 were published in various papers (hard copies and on line) in Canada, Romania, Israel, France, Ireland, Croatia. I have a published book (in Canada) and stories in books published in Romania and Israel.
I write both in English and Romanian. Among other hobbies I am a keen traveler, photographer, kayaker and swimmer, and of course an avid reader and amateur movie critic. I also do acting, as an “extra”, mostly on American TV and Film productions, but also Canadian.