the fuzz ▪ the spy ▪ the thinker a dialogue between Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu and Sean Braune on Romanian and North American policing & spying This chatty jam session glides from the topic of police public presence in Romania and North America, to
Sean Cotter is a professor of Literary Translations at the University of Texas at Dallas. He has translated Romanian poets and novelists, among which Nichita Stanescu’s “Wheel with a Single Spoke and Other Poems” and Mircea Cartarescu’s “Blinding. Left Wing”. His extraordinary

”As professor Stephen Henighan of Guelph University noted, the second edition of ToRo Fest, an International Salon of Literature, Visual Arts, Music, as well as a Romanian bookfair, was a unique event in the Canadian multicultural landscape. Indeed, we all have likely
We thank participating writers, researchers, students, visual artists and musicians for their creativity and enthusiasm with which they have accepted the dialogue between cultures aimed by ToRofest! Many thanks to our partners and all those who have participated during the two days
Stephen Henighan, professor of Spanish American literature at the University of Guelph, reads from his translation of the Romanian Novel “The Accident” by Mihail Sebastian.

Lucian Blaga – Selected Philosophical Extracts by Angela Botez, R.T. Allen, Henrieta Anișoara Șerban
“Blaga is a significant voice within European philosophy from the inter-war years. Philosophy was at that time – as since – something of a battleground. Modernist sceptical Viennese voices (often in exile) were ringing loudly, whilst more personalist, metaphysical and religiously-informed voices

——————– About the Author ——————– Maria Elena Sandovici was born in Bucharest, a city she adores, as it perfectly matches her own penchant for both romance and neurosis, and went in search of international adventures at a very young age. Sandovici obtained

“MY TRANSYLVANIA, homeland to Vlad, the Impaler, suffered a brutal heritage that was perhaps reborn in the Communist dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu,” says author Aura Imbarus. “My once serene and beautiful country became the land of the undead. As if Count Dracula had

Găsiți cartea ”Țara mea suspendată” de Anca Mizumschi la ToRo Fest. ——————– Recenzii ——————– ”Am avut senzația, parcurgând unele pagini, că Anca Mizumschi urlă pur și simplu pentru a se face auzită, țipă în fața unei societăți surde, anesteziate, căreia îi lipsesc
Nina Munteanu, limnologist, internationally published author, writing coach, the absolute Dame of Canadian Eco Fiction talks about the importance of water, her writing journey and a close encounter with her readers at ToRo Fest.